TR 183 | December 20, 10:00

Surface states in holographic Weyl semimetals

Markus Heinrich

Weyl semimetals (WSMs) are a class of gapless topological materials
which have gained a lot of interest in the last few years. In these
states of matter, low-energy excitations behave as chiral massless
particles, i.e. Weyl fermions. Besides exhibiting anomalous transport
effects, the most prominent feature of these crystals are topologically
protected surface states, the so-called Fermi arcs. Their emergence can
be tied to an effective axial magnetic field arising at a surface due to
lattice deformations and inducing a surface current by the chiral
magnetic effect. Using a holographic model, I computed these currents in
the strong coupling limit. The results show that the bulk-boundary
correspondence in WSMs is in some sense independent of interactions
demonstrating the universality of anomaly-related effects. In the end, I
will discuss the limits of this universality.
See also arXiv:1612.00836.

Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
Seminarroom 0.02, ETP
Contact: Simon Trebst