QM2 - Quantum Matter and Materials | March 01, 14:30
Nonequilibrium dynamics in diffusive many-body systems: from scrambling to heating
In this talk, we will discuss our recent results on scrambling of quantum information and thermalization in the one-dimensional Bose-Hubbard model. Numerically exact results are presented for the out-of-time (OTO) as well as time ordered correlation functions using matrix product operator techniques. I will also give a short account on how to measure such OTO correlators in quantum gas microscopes. If time permits, we will also discuss pre-thermalization and heating dynamics in the periodically driven Bose-Hubbard model and a related O(N) field theory. Relevant references include:
[1] Scrambling and thermalization in a diffusive quantum many-body system. A. Bohrdt, et al. [arXiv:1612.02434]
[2] Floquet prethermalization and regimes of heating in a periodically driven, interacting quantum system. S. Weidinger, et al. [arXiv:1609.09089]
[3] Prethermal Floquet steady-states and instabilities in the periodically-driven, weakly-interacting Bose-Hubbard model. M. Bukov et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 205301 (2015) [arXiv:1507.01946]
TU Munich
Seminar Room of the Institute of Physics II
Contact: Jamir Marino