Condensed Matter Theory Seminar | December 16, 14:00
Production of magnetic textures via spin currents
A major challenge in next-generation magnetic storage technologies is the efficient and controllable creation and manipulation of magnetic textures.
We predict a way to create magnetic domain walls and skyrmions by means of a homogeneous DC current without the need of specialized setups and without requiring any standard “twisting” interactions like Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya or dipole-dipole interactions. This is possible by exploiting a dynamical instability arising by the interplay of current-induced spin-transfer torque and locally engineered anisotropies.
The magnetic textures can be created efficiently, controllably and periodically with a period that can be tuned by the applied current strength. We propose specific experimental setups to observe the periodic formation of domain walls and skyrmions.
University of Mainz
Seminar Room 0.03, ETP
Contact: Achim Rosch