BCGS | September 26, 09:00

BCGS Intensive Week "From Chips to Higgs"

Prof. Dr. N Wermes, Dr. H. Krüger, Dr. E. von Törne

This BCGS intensive week aims at providing an in-depth insight of an LHC experiment, including physics and detectors. What does one need to know to address the physics questions at the LHC, to build an LHC detector and to analyze LHC data? While following these lines, particular emphasis is given to
the physics currently done and expected at the LHC (Standard Model, Higgs, SUSY, Extra Dimensions), the scientific and technical requirements of LHC detectors, the physics of tracking and energy measuring detectors, the necessity of and a hands-on tutorial into the "how-to" of designing integrated circuits (chips), the experimental methods to address the LHC physics questions

Physics Department Bonn
Contact: not specified