Theorie Kolloquium | July 15, 16:30
Quantum phase transitions in the cold atom kicked rotor
I will discuss the physics of transport phenomena in driven chaotic environments (`kicked rotors'), as realized in recent atom optic experiments. The behavior of these systems depends sensitively on the value of a scaled Planck constant \tilde h: for irrational values of \tilde h/(4\pi) they fall into the universality class of disordered electronic systems and I will discuss the corresponding localization phenomena. In contrast, for rational values the rotor-Anderson insulator acquires an infinite conductivity and turns into a `super-metal'. This implies the existence of a novel 'metal/super-metal' quantum phase transition in cold atom systems.
Institut für Theoretische Physik, Universität zu Köln
Seminarraum Theoretische Physik
Contact: not specified