| May 10, 12:00

Locality of temperature

Dr. Martin Kliesch

This work is concerned with thermal quantum states of Hamiltonians on
spin and fermionic lattice systems with short range interactions. We
provide results leading to a local definition of temperature, thereby
extending the notion of "intensivity of temperature'' to interacting
quantum models. More precisely, we derive a perturbation formula for
thermal states. The influence of the perturbation is exactly given in
terms of a generalized covariance. For this covariance we prove
exponential clustering of correlations above a universal critical
temperature, which upper bounds physical critical temperatures such as
the Curie temperature. As a corollary, we obtain that above a the
critical temperature, thermal states are stable against distant
Hamiltonian perturbations. Moreover, our results imply that above the
critical temperature local expectation values can be approximated with a
computational cost independent of the system size.

FU Berlin
Seminar room 0.03, ETP
Contact: David Gross