Condensed Matter Theory Seminar | January 28, 12:00
Entanglement Polytopes of Some Five Qubit States
The local spectra of quantum states in SLOCC classes of n qubit states give rise to polytopes in n-dimensional real space. While for more than three qubits there are infinitely SLOCC classes, there are always finitely many so-called entanglement polytopes. The entanglement polytopes can be computed from a generating set of all covariants with respect to the group of local transformations. Furthermore, a duality between entanglement polytopes and algebraic varieties yields a description of different types of entanglement. In the talk, we will illustrate this approach and present results for entanglement polytopes for some five qubit states.
University Erlangen-Nuernberg
Seminar Room 0.02, ETP
Contact: David Gross