Theorie Kolloquium | January 08, 16:30
Universal Quantum Dynamics in Driven Open Many-Body Systems, and Localized Majorana-like Modes in Interacting Fermion Systems
The talk is divided into two parts.
In part one, we discuss universal aspects of quantum dynamics present in driven open many-particle systems. Oftentimes, driven systems show full decoherence at large wavelength, but we present two situations which do not follow this generic pattern. The first concerns the critical dynamics in a driven open system with a dark state realizable in microcavity arrays, and the other one an ensemble of Rydberg atoms, in which coherent quantum dynamics leads to a variant of a non-equilibrium absorbing state transition without direct classical counterpart.
In part two, we discuss, in a number conserving framework, an exactly solvable model of interacting fermions supporting non-local zero-energy Majorana-like edge excitations. The construction draws intuition from an approach of targeted dissipative cooling into topologically non-trivial states. The model has an exactly solvable line, on varying the density of fermions, described by a topologically non-trivial ground state wave-function. We characterize its thermodynamic and topological properties. Knowledge of the ground state wavefunction allows us to construct analytically number conserving braiding operators, which are exponentially localized at the edges.
ITP Cologne
TP seminar room 0.03
Contact: not specified