Theorie Kolloquium | November 27, 16:30
Universal vanishing corrections on the position of fronts in the Fisher-KPP class
A moving interface, or a front, between a stable and an unstable medium is often described by an equation such as the Fisher-KPP (Kolmogorov-Petrovsky-Piscounov) equation. Such an equation appears in biology, chemistry or theoretical physics. Thirty years ago, Bramson gave rigorous sharp estimates on the position of the front, and, fifteen years ago, Ebert and van Saarloos heuristically identified universal vanishing corrections. In this seminar, I will present two new front equations which we believe to be in the same universality class as the Fisher-KPP equation. For the first equation, we can write an exact relation between the initial condition and the positions of the front at all times. For the second equation, probabilistic methods give very good estimates on the shape of the front at
all times. In both cases, we can recover and make precise the universal vanishing corrections on the position of the front.
ENS Paris
TP seminar room 0.03
Contact: Joachim Krug