QM2 - Quantum Matter and Materials | July 10, 13:00

Magnetic fluctuations in Multiferroics seen by Neutron Spin Echo spectroscopy

Catherine Pappas

Neutron Spin Echo spectroscopy (NSE) is extensively used for the
study of a large variety of slow motion phenomena (critical
slowing down, relaxation effects, disordered dynamics, soft
matter), which occur on a mesoscopic time scale between
microscopic collision times and macroscopic dynamics. NSE
applications in the field of magnetism benefit from the unique
combination of high energy resolution with neutron polarization
analysis, which allows a direct and unambiguous separation of the
(often) weak magnetic scattering from all other structural
contributions. The technique will be introduced and new results
obtained in collaboration with the Cologne group on the
multiferroics TbMnO3 and MnWO3 will be discussed.

TU Delft
Seminar Room, Institute for Theoretical Physics (Main Building)
Contact: Markus Braden