Condensed Matter Theory Seminar | April 15, 14:30

Sound absorption in Non-Kramer Quantum Spin Ice

In this talk, I will be presenting the consequence of the coupling between magnetic and vibrational degrees of freedom in Non-Kramer Quantum Spin Ice models focusing on experimentally relevant signatures for this specific class of quantum spin liquid. First, I will introduce Quantum Spin Ice physics borrowing insights from its well-studied classical counterparts. In particular, our work will build on the assumption that the monopole excitations present in classical Spin Ice remains well-defined quasi-particles. Quantum fluctuations of the spins provide a coherent mechanism for the transport of monopoles and lead to the emergence of a U(1) gauge field and an associated gapless photon. I will briefly explain how the pseudospin living on the vertex of the pyrochlore lattice emerges from the combination of single-ion physics and crystal field symmetries and insist on the importance of its non-Kramer nature to couple linearly phonons. The coupling between magnetic and vibrational degrees of freedom will be introduce on physical grounds and its form will be inferred from simple symmetry arguments. The last part of the talk will be focused on the consequences of this coupling on sound absorption measurements emphasizing the major role of the gapless photon.

Victor Jouffrey, University of Lyon
Seminar room, Institute of Physics II
Contact: Maria Hermanns