Theorie Kolloquium | April 10, 16:30
Multiscale modeling of blood flow: From single cells to intricate multi-cell interactions
Blood flow plays an important role in many physiological processes and pathologies in the organism. To understand these processes, detailed investigation of blood flow is
required under realistic conditions including cell deformability, hydrodynamic interactions, and complex geometries. We employ the smoothed dissipative particle dynamics method, a
mesoscopic hydrodynamic simulation technique, to model blood as a suspension of deformable cells represented by a viscoelastic spring-network which incorporates appropriate mechanical
and rheological cell-membrane properties. Blood flow in idealized micro-channel geometries will be investigated. We will discuss the physical mechanisms which govern migration of micro-
and nano-carriers toward the walls in micro-vessels. Moreover, we will present the flow behavior of blood cells in a microfluidic device which offers great opportunities for cell
sorting. We will illustrate the use of complex flow geometries to separate cells of different sizes and the application of realistic blood flow simulations to optimize the device
Institute for Complex Systems, FZ Jülich
Seminar Room TP 0.03
Contact: Joachim Krug