QM2 - Quantum Matter and Materials | January 14, 14:30

Spatially dispersive optical metamaterials: Design and applications

Andriy Shevchenko

The presentation concerns spatially dispersive optical metamaterials, for which the refractive index and impedance depend on the wave propagation direction. This dependence – often considered as unwanted – can as I will show bring new interesting applications to the field of metamaterials. In particular, it can be used to control the propagation characteristics of optical beams. I will also present a model that allows describing the interaction of optical beams with spatially dispersive metamaterials by making use of a vector angular-spectrum representation. Then, by applying the model, I will show that metamaterial slabs can be designed to have quite demanding functional abilities, for example, to act as an apertureless spatial filter or a diffraction-cancelling beam waveguide.

Aalto Universität
Seminar Room of the Institute of Physics II
Contact: Klas Lindfors