Theorie Kolloquium | January 30, 16:30

Time evolution and relaxation in strongly correlated quantum systems

D. Schuricht

Recent experiments on the dynamics of ultra-cold atomic gases have opened up completely new ways to study far-from-equilibrium quantum states. These intriguing prospects triggered tremendous experimental and theoretical developments and have led to an extremely active research field. In particular, strongly correlated quantum systems have been at the forefront of theoretical research since they show non-trivial many-body effects. I will give a brief overview over these developments with an emphasis on the dynamics of one-dimensional systems, where the dynamics may be restricted by the existence of non-trivial integrals of motion linking it to the field of integrable systems. I will then present results on the universality of the time evolution in both massive and massless systems and discuss the effects of finite quench times.

seminar room TP 0.03
Contact: not specified