Theorie Kolloquium | November 14, 16:30

Observations of gravitons from the early Universe?

C. Kiefer

Modern theories of cosmology assume that the Universe underwent
a period of exponential expansion ("inflation") at an early stage.
Inflation does not only solve some of the conceptual problems of
earlier cosmological models, but also allows a causal explanation of
structure formation. Moreover, it necessarily predicts the creation
of gravitons, the spin-2 particles associated with the quantized
gravitational field. In March 2014, the south-pole experiment
Bicep2 announced the observational confirmation of such
primordial gravitons.
If true, this would constitute a major step towards an understanding
of quantum gravity and the origin of our Universe.
In my talk, I shall summarize the physics that is needed to understand
this result, review the observations, and give an outlook on future

Institut für Theoretische Physik, Universität zu Köln
Seminarraum Theoretische Physik
Contact: not specified