Theorie Kolloquium | June 06, 16:00
Quantum cellular automata, the Pauli principle, and vintage movies
The output files of a digital camera are typically only 10% the size of the raw data. Can one design a physical process that only records the relevant information to begin with? The recently developed field of "compressed sensing" achieves this trick for certain signals. Building on tools from mathematical physics, we have introduced new methods to the theory which have since found applications in areas as diverse as face recognition, despeckling of movie frames, and large deviation bounds for non commutative processes. In a second, unrelated part, I will talk about the one-body quantum marginal problem. Here, the task is to decide which set of local reduced density matrices are compatible with a globally pure state. Known to be non-trivial since the 70s, only recent developments in symplectic geometry and asymptotic representation geometry have made the problem tractable. I will report on our work that connects these methods to the study of multi-partite entanglement and fermionic many-body systems. Lastly, I will mention some results related to the classification of time evolutions in discrete quantum lattice systems (otherwise known as quantum cellular automata).
Universität Freiburg
Seminarraum Theoretische Physik
Contact: not specified