Leibniz Group Seminar | March 28, 14:00
Rehearsals for DPG-Tagung
We are going to have rehearsals for the DPG-Tagung. Speakers and titles: 1. Roberto Bondesan: "Critical theory of the spin quantum Hall transition" 2. Daniel Wieczorek: "Pure scaling operators at the integer quantum Hall plateau transition" 3. Thomas Quella: "The Cirac-Sierra construction and long range SU(N) spin models" 4. Jochen Peschutter: "The gl(1|1) Lie superalgebra as a basis for the Nielsen-Cirac-Sierra construction" 5. Thomas Quella: "Haldane phases of SU(N) spin chains and their realization in ultra-cold atom gases"
Seminarraum Container
Contact: Thomas Quella