Theorie Kolloquium | February 04, 16:30

Glass-Transition Singularities

Dr. Matthias Sperl

At the glass transition, no thermodynamic anomalies or diverging length scales in static properties have been seen so far experimentally. On the other hand, dynamical correlation functions diverge at the transition and show rich features over many orders of magnitude in time. One approach to explain glassy dynamics is the framework of mode-coupling theory: The equations of motion for density correlation functions in a fluid are approximated self-consistently and in the long-time limit yield glass- transition singularities. Such singularities are known from caustics in optics (e.g. seen in rainbows and coffee mugs), and in fluids they explain many features in glassy dynamics. In addition to liquid-glass transitions, the theory predicts glass-glass transitions. These glass-glass transitions are a consequence of the mathematical structure of the theory, and their experimental confirmation therefore lends credibility to the theory. The mathematical features and dynamical predictions of the theory shall be demonstrated with data from colloidal suspensions, liquid water, and static granular matter.

Institut für Materialphysik im Weltraum, DLR Köln
Seminarraum Theoretische Physik
Contact: not specified