QM2 - Quantum Matter and Materials | February 24, 14:30

Bose-Einstein condensation: Pair excitation and many-body bound state of periodic microstructure

Dionisios Margetis

This talk focuses on aspects of Bose-Einstein condensation in a trapped, dilute atomic gas beyond the Gross-Pitaevskii mean field regime. By use of the formalism of pair excitation introduced by Wu, based on earlier works by Lee, Huang and Yang, the description of many-body bound states is
addressed via formal asymptotics. There are two related questions to be discussed.
(i) What is a plausible modeling of pair correlations by use of Partial Differential Equations, beyond the Gross-Pitaevskii limit?
(ii) What is the effective depletion of the macroscopic quantum state (condensate) for a spatially varying scattering length having a periodic microstructure?

University of Maryland at College Park
Seminar Room of the Institute for Theoretical Physics
Contact: Joachim Krug