Gravitation & Relativity Seminar | March 15, 11:00

Statistical Mechanics of Quasi-One-Dimensional Coupled Complex Ginzburg-Landau Classical Fields with Non-Gaussian Fluctuations

Anton Iakovlev

I present an investigation of non-Gaussian fluctuations of complex classical Ginzburg-Landau (GL) order parameter fields. The transfer-matrix formalism enables an exact treatment of the non-Gaussian fluctuations. According to this formalism the generalized GL energy functional is considered as an energy associated with a particular order parameter configuration. Therefore the partition function can be represented as a functional integral over all possible configurations of the order parameters. In the cases of a single and two competing order parameters the functional integration is formally analogous to an eigenvalue problem of a single and two quantum particles in an an-harmonic potential respectively. To solve the problem we use such techniques as the path integral Monte Carlo and the Lanczos method. The results obtained via both techniques are compared with each other and with known results for the single order parameter case. Afterwards the results for the competing order parameters are computed.

Universität Bonn
Konferenzraum THP
Contact: not specified