| December 18, 16:00
Entanglement and the Fermi surface
I will describe my work characterizing quantum entanglement in systems with a Fermi surface. This class includes everything from Fermi liquids to exotic spin liquids in frustrated magnets and perhaps even holographic systems. I review my original scaling argument and then describe in detail a number of new precise results on entanglement in Fermi liquids. I will discuss recent quantum Monte Carlo calculations of Renyi entropies and will argue that we now have a rather complete agreement between theory and numerics for Fermi liquid entanglement. I will also exhibit universal crossover functions between thermal and entanglement entropy and a class of solvable interacting models where I have proved the universality of the Widom formula for Fermi surface entanglement. I will conclude by discussing some of the lessons learned and by giving a glimpse of the wider world of many-body entanglement.
Harvard University
Hörsaal III
Contact: not specified