| December 14, 13:45
Quantum States and Phases in Driven Open Many-Body Systems
In ultracold atomic gases, the areas of quantum optics and many-body quantum
physics increasingly merge together, giving rise to non-equilibrium scenarios
where coherent and dissipative dynamics appear on an equal footing.
Controlled dissipation allows for counter-intuitive effects such as dissipatively
induced long-range phase coherence. We discuss several aspects of new
many-body physics in such systems: This includes phases of lattice bosons with
competing coherent and tailored dissipative dynamics, and a purely dissipative
pairing mechanism for fermions, operative in the absence of attractive
conservative forces. We show how this mechanism can be used for cooling into
topologically ordered states and point out a possible physical realization. We
analyze the nature of topological order and Majorana edge states in such non-
equilibrium systems, highlighting properties without immediate counterpart in
Finally, we report on first results on non-equilibrium criticality in driven open
quantum systems subject to particle loss and pumping. We identify an
additional, independent critical exponent witnessing the driven nature of these
Universität Innsbruck
Seminarraum Theoretische Physik
Contact: not specified