Gravitation & Relativity Seminar | December 18, 12:00
Counting the corners of a random walk and its application to traffic flow
Motivated by heterogeneous traffic flow with communicating and
non-communicating vehicles, I will address a combinatorial problem in in
my talk: if communicating vehicles can detect the vehicle ahead (and
behind) by front (and rear) sensors, I ask how many non-communicating
vehicles are on average detected by communicating ones.
Relating the problem to a discrete random walk in one dimension with a
fixed number of steps allows to determine the detected vehicles for both
open and periodic boundary conditions as well as for the case where
communicating vehicles detect both or only one neighboring vehicle(s).
In the random walk picture, where the two vehicles types stand for steps
in opposite directions, non-communicating vehicles are detected whenever
the resulting path has a corner.
University of Duisburg-Essen
Konferenzraum Theoretische Physik
Contact: not specified