Gravitation & Relativity Seminar | December 18, 12:00
Probing the Sensitivities of future Weak Lensing Surveys on cosmological Parameters
Weak gravitational lensing will be one of the key methods in the future of cosmology, for the determination of cosmological parameters. Its way of extracting statistical information from the formation of cosmic structures, poses a hybrid between the methods applied to the CMB and the ones applied to the matter density contrast, in the mathematical description. Since the deflection of light by mass through its gravity, does not distinguish between baryonic and dark matter, an increased sensitivity towards the latter one is expected, compared to the traditional sources of information, on a first point of view. Moreover through the application of tomographic binning in redshift space, it is also expected that weak lensing will offer profound insights into the late time evolution of cosmic structures, therefore allowing for a closer determination of parameters characterizing dark energy and neutrinos. At the moment several weak lensing surveys are planned. Among them the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope and the Euclid space probe. It is therefore important to a priori evaluate their sensitivities on the cosmological parameters of interest. A very nice way of doing this is through the Fisher matrix method.
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie
Seminarraum Theoretische Physik
Contact: not specified