Theorie Kolloquium | January 10, 16:30

Universal aspects of many-body quantum dynamics

Andrea De Luca

I will present a summary of recent developments in understanding quantum dynamics in out-of-equilibrium many-body systems. After revisiting the concept of thermalization, I will discuss the fundamental assumptions to justify its occurrence in generic systems, explaining the typicality assumptions that give rise to the connection with random matrices and the eigenstate thermalization hypothesis. I will then move to more recent developments in this context based on the introduction of tractable classes of models, called random unitary circuits. I will show how some features of chaotic quantum systems can be explained by this approach, such as the production of entanglement. In addition, I will highlight new universality mechanisms that emerge precisely for spatially extended systems, giving rise to a specific notion of many-body quantum chaos.

Cergy Paris University
Contact: Silvia Pappalardi