CMT Group Seminar | October 09, 10:00
Constructing Emergent U(1) Symmetries in the Gamma-prime (Γ′ ) model
Frustrated magnets can elude the paradigm of spontaneous symmetry breaking and instead exhibit emergent
symmetries at low temperatures. However, the underlying mechanisms are often referred to as “accidental”, i.e.
making a predictive connection between the microscopic couplings and symmetries of a frustrated magnet and
its emergent symmetries often remains impossible and can only be resolved by a detailed study of its collective
magnetism. Here we report the explicit construction of a family of spin models that, for a wide variety of lattice
geometries with triangular motifs in one, two and three spatial dimensions, such as the kagome or hyperkagome
lattices, exhibit an emergent, continuous U(1) symmetry. This is particularly notable also because the underlying
Hamiltonian actually has very little symmetry — a bond-directional, off-diagonal exchange model inspired by
the microscopics of spin-orbit entangled materials (the Gamma-prime model). We further discuss thermal order-
by-disorder effects which lead to the formation of a Z6 symmetric phase of maximally non-coplanar states at low
but finite temperatures and its implications for multi-stage thermal ordering depending on spatial dimensionality.
We explore the thermodynamics for representative one-, two-, and three-dimensional lattice geometries tracking
the emergent symmetries using Monte Carlo simulations. Finally, we comment on the fate of the model in the
quantum spin-1/2 limit.
University of Cologne
Contact: Aprem Joy