Condensed Matter Theory Seminar | December 09, 11:45
Magnetism and superconductivity in rhombohedral trilayer graphene
The commensurate stacking of three graphene layers on top of each other in the sequence A-B-C creates a tunable flatband system which can sidestep many of the complications that twisted graphene multilayers exhibit. Indeed, recent experiments on high-mobility devices were able to showcase various magnetic phases and also unconventional superconductivity in the rich phase diagram spanned by carrier density and displacement field.
In this talk, I will discuss our current understanding of the flavor cascades, superconductivity and intervalley coherent states in ABC trilayer graphene based on momentum-resolved mean field considerations, revealing the subtle interplay of trigonal warping, isospin ordering, incommensuration and even spin-orbit coupling. I will further present a possible electronic origin for the observed superconducting phases based on nearly critical, finite-momentum intervalley fluctuations.
Tel Aviv University
Contact: Simon Trebst