QM2 - Quantum Matter and Materials | September 18, 15:00

Three stories of unusual magnetism: Kitaev pyroxene SrCoGe2O6, Kagome magnets YMn6Sn6 and LiZn2Mo3O8

Sergey Streltsov

Three quite different materials exhibiting unusual magnetic and electronic properties will be discussed in the talk.

We start with pyroxenes - SrCoGe2O6. This class of materials have been actively investigated in University of Cologne and our recent finding, that the Kitaev physics is relevant for Co-based pyroxenes can be interesting for the audience. Then, we will discuss Kagome magnet YMn6Sn6, which in additional to famous flat bands in electronic spectrum demonstrates the orbital-selective behaviour, which in turn explains its magnetic properties. We conclude with an interesting class of materials with a breathing Kagome – Nb3Cl8 and AxByMo3O8, which depending on choice of B (B=Sc, Zn, In) and A (A=Li,Na,Zn) ions have very different magnetic properties – they can be not only both antiferro- or ferromagnets, but in some of them the long-range magnetic order turns out to be suppressed and a mysterious spin-liquid state (possibly associated with a plaquette charge order) or non-magnetic ground stats can be realized in these systems.

The work is supported by the grant RSF 23-12-00159.

Institute of Metal Physics, Ural Federal University, RU
Seminar Room of the Institute of Physics II
Contact: Markus Braden / Matteo