SFB 1238 | July 02, 09:00

Gate defined quantum dots in bilayer graphene & synthetic flat bands in hybrid Josephson junction arrays

Luca Banszerus

I will present results from two different research directions. First, I will focus on gate defined
quantum dots in bilayer graphene, which are promising hosts for spin and valley qubits. I will
discuss the single particle spectrum, spin and valley relaxation times, and how the electron-hole
symmetry leads to a protected spin and valley blockade allowing for readout of spin and valley
The second part will focus on Josephson junction arrays (JJAs) based on a superconductor/
semiconductor hybrid material. Magnetic fields induce frustration, leading to complex ground
states such as vortex lattices and liquids, depending on the lattice geometry. I will present our
efforts to map out the phase diagram of JJAs with dice lattice geometry, which are predicted to
host flat bands when fully frustrated.

Niels Bohr Institute, Copenhagen
Seminar Room of the Institute of Physics II
Contact: Erwann/Matteo