SFB 1238 | June 10, 16:00

Vanishing bulk heat flow in the nu=0 quantum Hall ferromagnet in monolayer graphene

François Parmentier

Under high perpendicular magnePc field and at low temperatures, graphene develops an
insulaPng state at the charge neutrality point. This state, dubbed nu=0, is due to the interplay
between electronic interacPons and the four-fold spin and valley degeneracies in the flat band
formed by the n=0 Landau level. Determining the ground state of nu=0, including its spin and
valley polarizaPon, has been a theorePcal and experimental undertaking for almost two
decades. Here, we present experiments probing the bulk thermal transport properPes of
monolayer graphene at nu=0, which directly probe its ground state and collecPve excitaPons.
We observe a vanishing bulk thermal transport, in contradicPon with the expected ground
state, predicted to have a finite thermal conductance even at very low temperature. Our result
highlight the need for further invesPgaPons on the nature of nu=0.

Université Paris-Saclay
Seminar Room of the Institute of Physics II
Contact: Erwann Bocquillon