Großes Physikalisches Kolloquium | April 30, 16:30
Quantum Simulation in the NISQ era
Advancements in quantum computing have enabled the development of small-scale
quantum computers and simulators that adhere to the principles of quantum physics.
Despite its rapid progress, those devices are not yet flawless and errors accumulate,
posing serious challenges to their application to interesting problems. In this talk I will
first address how those errors affect the results of both quantum computations and
the simulation of quantum many-body systems. In particular, I will present several
quantum simulation algorithms, and discuss the potentiality of displaying quantum
advantage in the presence of imperfections. Finally, I will describe some new
ingredients of such algorithms, like the preparation of highly entangled states, and
discuss how they can be sped up with the help of measurements.
Max Planck Institute for Quantum Optics, Garching
Contact: Matteo Rizzi