Condensed Matter Theory Seminar | September 11, 09:00

New Tools for Simulating Realistic Systems with the Density Matrix Renormalization Group (DMRG)

Miles Stoudenmire

The density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) is an extremely powerful technique for solving interacting many-body systems, but most applications of DMRG have been to lattice models on one-dimensional chains or ladder geometries. I will describe recent advances in DMRG that make it practical to explore richer classes of systems. In one dimension, we can now treat continuum models with long-range interactions with applications to electronic structure theory (especially density functional theory) and cold atom experiments. For two-dimensional systems, a new method for parallelizing DMRG means we can apply an order of magnitude more power to reach new system sizes. If time permits, I will also describe a promising extension of DMRG for finite temperature systems.

UC Irvine
Seminarraum II. Physik
Contact: not specified