Theorie Kolloquium | June 21, 16:30

Diffusion with anomalous fluctuations

Sarang Gopalakrishnan

We discuss the dynamics of large-scale fluctuations in diffusive systems, focusing on the full counting statistics (FCS) of charge transferred across a bipartition in a quasi-one-dimensional geometry. We find at least two qualitatively different types of behavior. In the "standard" case -- corresponding to systems with no long-lived ballistic modes -- the charge transfer distribution becomes asymptotically gaussian at late times. In systems where diffusion coexists with ballistic modes, such as the Dirac fluid in charge-neutral graphene and other two-component plasmas, the distribution instead achieves a nongaussian limit shape at late times. We provide a semi-analytic understanding of these limit shapes, as well as numerical evidence from simulating classical fluids.

Princeton University
Seminar Room 0.03, ETP
Contact: Silvia Pappalardi