Theorie Kolloquium | June 28, 16:30
Time crystals via topological order
I will discuss topologically ordered time crystals, a dynamical phase of matter that uses topological order as the underlying fabric for time crystallinity. Time permitting, I will briefly also mention results on how a holographic perspective, naturally emerging from topological time crystals, can enrich our understanding of time crystallinity in "ordinary" 1D Floquet systems. Both topological time crystals and the new results on 1D Floquet systems may be amenable to realization on programmable quantum processors. The talk will be based on 2105.09694 and 2312.17176 and may also mention 2401.04333, a recent experiment on some aspects of topologically ordered time crystals.
University of Cambridge
Seminar Room 0.03, ETP
Contact: Alex Altland