Condensed Matter Theory Seminar | January 19, 14:00
Magic in many-body systems: tensor network approaches
Nonstabilizerness - commonly known as magic - quantifies resources beyond Clifford operations and is a fundamental resource for achieving universal quantum computation. Recently, several tensor network methods have been developed for computing the stabilizer Renyi entropy (SRE), a recently introduced measure of magic. These methods have unveiled intriguing insights into the behavior and properties of magic in many-body systems. In this talk, I will introduce a new approach to compute the magic, by representing the expectation values of Pauli strings as matrix product state (MPS). This method paves the way for calculating various measures of magic, including the SRE, the stabilizer nullity, and the Bell magic. Furthermore, it allows for extracting the stabilizer group of an MPS. Our method opens up the possibilty for exploring genuine magic within many-body systems.
ICTP Trieste
Seminar Room 0.03, ETP
Contact: Simon Trebst