Condensed Matter Theory Seminar | October 27, 16:30

Topological quantum matter in Rydberg atom simulators

Giuliano Giudici

Programmable Rydberg atom arrays stand out as extremely powerful platforms for the quantum simulation of strongly correlated states of matter. Their versatility lies in the adaptable geometry of the trapping lattice and in the wide variety of controllable atomic levels, which naturally yields several distinct interaction regimes.
In a journey through the most recent theoretical and experimental achievements, I will show how these devices enable synthesizing and probing many-body states with topological order. Starting from the van der Waals-interacting regime, I will demonstrate that Rydberg Hamiltonians can host Z2 quantum spin liquids and analyze optimal protocols for their dynamical preparation. I will then introduce a novel class of Z3 spin liquids and engineer viable implementations in Rydberg atom setups. Finally, I will consider a system of 3-level atoms coupled via a time-reversal symmetry-breaking dipolar exchange interaction and provide numerical evidence for the emergence of gapped chiral spin liquids with the same form of topological order of the fractional quantum Hall effect.

University of Insbruck and Planqc
Seminar Room 0.03, ETP
Contact: Silvia Pappalardi