| July 19, 14:00

Dynamic Scaling Behavior of a Directional Generalized Voter Model

Prof. Su-Chan Park

We study the non-equilibrium dynamics of a one-dimensional
directional voter model with opinion exchange. The opinion of an individual
at site i is denoted by σi which can take either +1 or -1. If
σi =+1 and σi+1 =-1 (+- domain wall), the opinion of
both individuals can be either ++ or -- with probability (1-α/2)
[voter dynamics], but with probability α both individuals just
exchange opinions without attaining a consensus [simple exclusion process].
Note that -+ domain wall does not induce any configurational change. When
α < 1, the whole population eventually reaches a full consensus. The
way how the consensus is reached is described by decaying behavior of the
domain wall density ρ. For any α < 1, ρ is found to show a
power-law decay behavior. Quite interestingly, however, the exponent varies
continuously with α, from 0.5 (pure voter dynamics) to 0 (ASEP case).
These results are obtained from both Monte-Carlo simulations and spectral
analysis of the time evolution operator.

Catholic University of Korea
Seminarraum Theoretische Physik
Contact: not specified