SFB 1238 | March 22, 14:30

Probing and driving spins at gigahertz and terahertz rates: From single magnetic atoms on surfaces towards efficient spintronic terahertz emitters

Tom Seifert

In my talk, I will focus on two regimes of probing and driving spin dynamics that each allow for unique insights. First, I will introduce the concept of electron paramagnetic resonance realized inside a scanning tunneling microscope [1]. This novel approach allows for probing magnetic interactions at atomic scales with an energy resolution far below the thermal limit using gigahertz drives [2-4]. Second, I will turn to the field of terahertz spintronics [5]. I will highlight recent advances in the field of terahertz emission spectroscopy to reveal fundamental channels of femtosecond spin currents in magnetic thin film heterostructures including their applications in spintronic terahertz emittters [6,7].

[1] Baumann, Susanne, et al. Science 350.6259 (2015): 417-420.
[2] Seifert, Tom S., et al. Science advances 6.40 (2020): eabc5511.
[3] Seifert, Tom S., et al. Physical Review Research 2.1 (2020): 013032.
[4] Kovarik, Stepan, et al. Nano Letters 22.10 (2022): 4176-4181.
[5] Walowski, Jakob, and Markus Münzenberg. Journal of Applied Physics 120.14 (2016): 140901.
[6] Seifert, Tom, et al. Nature photonics 10.7 (2016): 483-488.
[7] Seifert, Tom S., et al. Applied Physics Letters 120.18 (2022): 180401

FU Berlin
Seminar Room of the Institute of Physics II
Contact: Jeison Fischer