Statistical Physics Seminar | July 18, 16:00
Yielding and fatigue failure in amorphous solids
When sufficiently deformed, amorphous solids exhibit irreversible, or
plastic, response and eventually fail. Although such behaviour is
broadly common to all solids, amorphous solids, or glasses, display
disordered microscopic structure, leading to significant differences
in how these phenomena may be understood, and to distint statistical
mechanical approaches to address them. After a brief overview of glass
phenomenology, recent approaches to yielding of amorphous solids is
described, with specific focus on the response to cyclic shear
deformations. Results from computer simulations of model glasses, as
well as theoretical approaches and results will be discussed.
JNCASR, Bangalore
Seminar Room 0.03, ETP
Contact: Joachim Krug