QM2 - Quantum Matter and Materials | June 22, 16:00

New materials and nanostructures via graphene substrates and van der Waals sandwiches

Prof. Jani Kotakoski / Universität Wien

Graphene--the one-atom-thick sheet of carbon--is the most famous of 2D materials due to its unique electronic properties and mechanical strength. However, its chemical inertness makes graphene also an excellent nearly electron-transparent support for other materials and nanostructures. In this presentation, I will give an overview of our recent work enabled by a unique interconnected vacuum system containing an aberration-corrected scanning transmission electron microscope (Nion UltraSTEM 100) with a unique objective area that allows sample cleaning via laser, in situ chemical experiments, and direct vacuum transfer to an atomic force microscope (AFSEM by GeTEC Microscopy), an argon glove box, target chamber with a plasma ion source and evaporators, and long term vacuum sample storage. In this presentation, I will demonstrate that defect-engineering of graphene enables its substitutional heteroatom doping and growth of nanoclusters with a well-defined concentration and a narrow size distribution, as well as the direct correlation of its atomic structure and mechanical properties.

Raum 0.03
Contact: Thomas Michely