Condensed Matter Theory Seminar | May 11, 14:00
Bose-Fermi mixtures: The Cooper problem and beyond in Bose-Fermi mixtures
We calculate the phase diagram of the Bose-Fermi Hubbard model on the 3d cubic lattice at fermionic half filling and bosonic unity filling by means of single-site dynamical mean-field theory (DMFT). For fast bosons, this is the Cooper problem in which the bosons can induce s-wave pairing, even between repulsively interacting fermions. Superfluid and supersolid phases are found, depending on the interspecies coupling strength. The modifications in the phase diagram compared to the purely fermionic case are well explained by renormalized hoppings and on-site interactions. Slow bosons favor fermionic charge density wave structures for attractive fermionic interactions.
LMU München
Seminarraum Theoretische Physik
Contact: not specified