CMT Group Seminar | December 03, 14:00

Fracton topological phase transitions with exact tensor network wave-function

Guo-Yi Zhu

In this talk I’ll talk about our ongoing research effort in understanding some type I fracton topological phases and phase transitions, by means of constructing exact tensor network ground state wave-functions and through the lens of duality.
In recent years the 3D gapped fracton topological phases have attracted much attention motivated from various directions: the search for more robust topological quantum memory; generalization of gauge theory; and constrained dynamics. In this talk I’ll try to introduce some of the basic concepts in a pedagogical way and tell you the physical problems I’ve been considering:
1. phase transitions of fracton topological phases (beyond Landau paradigm);
2. possible fractonic extension of the Kitaev gapless spin liquid?
I will share with you my evolving understanding for these questions from the perspective of exact tensor-network states, via quantum classical mapping and duality.

Seminar Room 0.03, ETP and Zoom
Contact: not specified