TR 183 | July 16, 16:00
CRC 183 Summer School - Contributed Talks
This is the contributed session of the CRC 183 Summer School "Machine Learning in Condensed Matter Physics" We will have the following short talks: Geometry of learning neural quantum states Chae-Yeun Park (University of Cologne) Unsupervised Learning Universal Critical Behavior via the Intrinsic Dimension Tiago Mendes Santos (MPI PKS) Convolutional restricted Boltzmann machine aided Monte Carlo: An application to Ising and Kitaev models Daniel Alcalde Puente (Forschungszentrum Jülich) AI-assisted quantum many-body computation beyond Markov-chain Monte Carlo Hongyu Lu (University of Hong Kong) Learning Many-body Hamiltonians from Dynamical Data Frederik Wilde (FU Berlin) From observations to complexity of quantum states: an unsupervised learning approach Zala Lenarčič (Jožef Stefan Institute)
Contact: Markus Schmitt