TR 183 | July 16, 16:00

CRC 183 Summer School - Contributed Talks

Chae-Yeun Park, Tiago Mendes Santos, Daniel Alcalde Puente, Hongyu Lu, Frederik Wilde, Zala Lenarčič

This is the contributed session of the CRC 183 Summer School "Machine Learning in Condensed Matter Physics" We will have the following short talks: Geometry of learning neural quantum states Chae-Yeun Park (University of Cologne) Unsupervised Learning Universal Critical Behavior via the Intrinsic Dimension Tiago Mendes Santos (MPI PKS) Convolutional restricted Boltzmann machine aided Monte Carlo: An application to Ising and Kitaev models Daniel Alcalde Puente (Forschungszentrum Jülich) AI-assisted quantum many-body computation beyond Markov-chain Monte Carlo Hongyu Lu (University of Hong Kong) Learning Many-body Hamiltonians from Dynamical Data Frederik Wilde (FU Berlin) From observations to complexity of quantum states: an unsupervised learning approach Zala Lenarčič (Jožef Stefan Institute)

Contact: Markus Schmitt