SFB 1238 | May 05, 14:30
Towards Kitaev Spin Liquids in 3d Transition Metal Compounds
We have proposed to realize the Kitaev spin liquid state in 3d honeycomb cobaltates, due to the more localized wave functions of 3d ions compared with that of 4d and 5d ions, and also the easy tunability of the exchange Hamiltonian in favor of Kitaev interaction. In this talk, I will discuss the key parameters which have very large impacts on the exchange constant, and the crystal field effect is emphasized as an efficient phase control method driving the magnetically ordered cobaltates into the spin liquid state. In good agreement with the experimental data, our theoretical predications verify the great potential of realizing the Kitaev spin liquid in 3d transition metal compounds.
MPI-FKF Stuttgart
Zoom (https://uni-koeln.zoom.us/j/97571937622?pwd=QzUxNTFEN05abmNyWGUxUjRpWTRDdz09)
Contact: Simon Trebst