SFB 1238 | June 15, 17:00
Only the Speed of Light limits You? - Discrimination and its impact on the academic field of physics (2nd talk - Racism & Physics)
Everyone who is good enough in physics can work in the academic field, no matter what their identity is besides that, right? We do not have any issues with discrimination, or do we? Is our study and work environment really benefiting everyone equally? Or are people marginalized here as well – and if so, what is going on? And what can we do about it?
The event will be with Sherard Robbins, a development consultant, author, and CEO of Visceral Change. He will address the topic of “Racism and Physics” and present us some background information and numbers about it. There will also be space for discussions: How does it affect our work environment and what can we do about it?
CEO of Visceral Change
Zoom (https://uni-koeln.zoom.us/j/96279829895?pwd=Sk1KWFFzZlRBUEF0cjI2cjM5bjdtQT09)
Contact: Maria Melamed