Theorie Kolloquium | May 07, 16:30
Emergent Quantum Simulators
Quantum Simulation promises insight into quantum physics problems which are beyond the ability to calculate with conventional methods. Quantum simulators can be built either using a ‘digital’ Trotter decomposition of the problem or by directly building the Hamiltonian in the lab and performing ‘analogue’ experiments. I will present here a different approach, by which the model to simulate emerges naturally from a completely different microscopic Hamiltonian. I will illustrate this in the example of the emergence of the Sine-Gordon quantum field theory from the microscopic description of two tunnel coupled super fluids. Special emphasis will be put on how to verify such emergent quantum simulators and how to characterize them. Thereby I will present two tools: High order correlation functions and their factorization [1], the evaluation of the quantum effective action and the momentum dependence of propagators and vertices (running couplings, renormalization of mass etc ..) of the emerging quantum field theory [2] and quantum field tomography that points to a new way to read out quantum simulators [3]. Together they establish general methods to analyse quantum systems through experiments and thus represents a crucial ingredient towards the implementation and verification of quantum simulators.
Work performed in collaboration with the groups of Th. Gasenzer und J. Berges (Heidelberg), Jens Eisert (FU Berlin) and E. Demler (Harvard). Supported by the DFG-FWF: SFB ISOQUANT: and the EU: ERC-AdG QuantumRelax
[1] T. Schweigler et al., Nature 545, 323 (2017), arXiv:1505.03126
[2] T. Zache et al. Phys. Rev. X 10, 011020 (2020)
[3] M. Gluza et al., Communication Physics 3, 12 (2020)
Vienna Center for Quantum Science and Technology (VCQ), Atominstitut, TU-Wien
Contact: Matteo Rizzi