Condensed Matter Theory Seminar | January 26, 09:15
Special states in quantum many-body spectra
Typically, a generic quantum many-body system under isolation is known to thermalize. However, there are exceptions where thermalization is violated. For instance, while a strong violation of thermalization occurs in the well known many-body localizing systems (MBL), a violation in the weaker sense occurs through the phenomenon of quantum many-body scars (QMBS). In this talk, I will first review both MBL and QMBS. I will then describe our recent work where we showed that an emergent symmetry in a single eigenstate of a disordered model protects it from MBL while not preventing the rest of the states in the spectrum from many-body localizing. I will motivate how such an example calls for exploring "inverted quantum scars", namely, non-area law states embedded in a spectrum of localized states. Time permitting, I will also walk you through our other recent works where we construct topologically ordered scarred models.
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