Condensed Matter Theory Seminar | December 11, 14:00
Emergent fractons in Elusive Bose Metal --- When IR theory blend with UV physics
In this talk, I will show that the defects of the valence plaquette solid(VPS) order parameter, in addition to possessing non-trivial quantum numbers, have fracton mobility constraints in the VPS phase. The spinon inside a single vortex cannot move freely in any direction, while a dipolar pair of vortices with spinon pairs can only move perpendicular to its dipole moment. These mobility constraints, while they persist near QCP, can potentially inhibit the condensation of spinons and preclude a continuous transition from the VPS to the NĂ©el antiferromagnet. Instead, the VPS melting transition can be driven by the proliferation of spinon dipoles. In particular, we argue that a 2d VPS can melt into a stable gapless phase in the form of an algebraic bond liquid with algebraic correlations and long-range entanglement. Such a bond liquid phase yields a concrete example of the elusive 2d Bose metal with symmetry fractionalization.
MPI PKS Dresden
Contact: Alexander Altland