BCGS | March 05, 09:30
BCGS Intensive Week: Numerical methods for many-particle systems
5-9th March 2012; Mo-Fr 9:30 - 17:00, SR THP/CIP-Pool.
This intensive week is intended to provide both a working understanding
and real hands-on experience with the essential numerical techniques of
solid state many-body physics. Rather than a 'black-box' philosophy, the
course aims to discuss the theory and physics underpinning numerical
approaches. Lectures will introduce three models of central importance:
the Ising model, the Anderson impurity model, and the Hubbard model.
Using these as concrete examples, the Monte Carlo, Numerical
Renormalization Group and Density Matrix Renormalization Group
techniques will be discussed. Students will also gain supervised
practical hands-on experience writing, using and modifying simple
computer codes to solve real problems.
See website for more details and registration information:
Institut für Theoretische Physik, Universität zu Köln
Seminarraum Theoretische Physik
Contact: not specified