QM2 - Quantum Matter and Materials | July 17, 14:30
Solid state systems with deformed Minkowski spacetime
Continuum limit of Dirac solids can be described as a Minkowski
spacetime. Certain nonsymmorphic 2D lattices host tilted Dirac fermions.
The effective spacetime felt by these electrons is a deformation of Minkowski
spacetime where temporal and spatial affairs are mingled. In this talk, first we
use irreducible representations of the 8Pmmn borophene to show that not only
the resulting spacetime is the tilt deformation of Minkowski spacetime, but also
the resulting tilt can be manipulated by a perpendicular electric field. We discuss
unusual plasmons and electromagnetic response of 2D tilted-Dirac cone solids.
Sharif University of Technology
Seminar Room of the Institute of Physics II
Contact: Thomas Michely